Web Designer With 8 Years Internet Marketing Experience Will Help You Get Your Own Turnkey Website For Your Small Business

Get A Website That Works!

If you want a website that showcases your products and services and that
puts money in your pocket and not take it out, you have come to the right place.

Good Evening!... my name is Stephan and I am a web designer and freelance webmaster for several websites. I don't just custom design websites for you or your small business, I also offer expert advice on marketing your website, search engine optimisation, website hosting and domain name registration, so you can get value for money and a return on your investment.

In Short I Offer A Complete Turnkey Solution

I make a full time living on the Internet as a Website Designer for others and own several websites myself and I will advise you from my own experience of running a small business on the Internet.

Let video game designers and "graphic artists" do their thing somewhere else - but not on your Web site! A 100% guaranteed recipe for failure is to have a fancy, flashy Web site that takes a long time to load and calls attention to how cute and clever its design is. Keep it simple and stay focused on your target result - closed sales".  David Garfinkel Copy Writing and Internet Guru

What Use Is The Most Beautiful Website In The World If No One Can Find It On A Search Engine?

Above is PROOF that I do know a thing or two about website design and what works to get traffic to your website. I am ranked at times (rankings change all the time) @ the Number 1 spot on Google, Yahoo and MSN for the term "website designer". Click on the image above to see for yourself. Or do a search on those 3 main search engines and you will find me there. (I want to do the same for your website when you allow me to become your webmaster)

My Portfolio

Why... Most Small Business Websites Don't Work?

  • They get little to no traffic…they are lost in cyberspace
  • They are created by "tech-heads" who know little about Internet Marketing
  • They are created by Graphic Designers. The website "looks" good but doesn't deliver because they are not optimised for the search engines.
  • They are priced too high and deliver too little as they are coded from scratch

I offer a complete turnkey solution to getting your website on the Internet, from design to domain registration, hosting and marketing your website. I will become your freelance webmaster when you outsource your web design to me.

Now You Can Have A Web Designer With Real Life Internet Experience Designing A Custom Website For You!

I cannot stress this enough. Do not let graphic designers build websites for you! They know all about graphic design and nothing about Internet marketing and Search Engine optimisation.

I encounter this problem daily where business owners contact me to complain that their current websites are not giving them a R.O.I. In 99.99% of cases the websites have three common mistakes ; The websites are built in frames (a BIG no from search engines Yahoo and Google as well as most others) ; there has been no target market research i.t.o keyword analysis and search engine optimisation and the website has been filled with large graphics and clever bells and whistles and there is no clear marketing message coming through. It leaves the visitor with no clear instruction as what to do next.

Remember, I make a full time living exclusively as a webmaster from the Internet as I market several different products in several different markets for my own websites. You can now benefit from my experience as I will design a website for you that works!

Allow Me To Present You With A No Obligation Proposal

When you let me design a website for you, you get :

  • A Fully Functional Professional Looking Website Custom Designed For You
  • Web Domain Registration
  • Hosting and Personal Emails
  • Meta Tags and HTML coding targeted for your market
  • Search Engine Optimised Website
  • Search Engine Submission Packages
  • Website Marketing Advice
  • Visitor Tracking Packages
  • 3 Month Guarantee
  • OngoingSupport and Maintenance
  • My 8 Years of Online Marketing Experience...

I'm based in Pretoria South Africa, but do work all over the country (and even overseas)!

Be Clear About What You Want To Achieve

First thing you need to do is ask Yourself : Why Do You Want A Website? The answer to this question will guide you through the rest of the web design process...

Or Check Out My Webdesign Specials